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Leadership | MBO

To Be a Leader takes more than To Try to be one. Lead yourself and be a leader.

Get Out of your Comfort Zone. Have a Creative | Innovative Thinking Process. Explore.

A LEADER has a Unique Mind-Set. A non-popular and common one.

(a) Positive attitude, and behavior. Calm, and Relax.

(b) Encourage | Motivate Then Coach and Guide Accordingly

(c) A Coach - asks initial question for interaction. Does Series of Interactive Questioning to enhance the Potential Leader to realize what will be the best solution though the Action Plans the he | she authored

(d) Doing its best to keep on improving oneself and others as Leaders (from leading oneself). Lead himself | herself to God and letting God to be his | her Leader that may gain Christ and be Found in Him (Philippians 3:8-9)

d.1. Acts 17:28 > In Him, we live, move and have our being

d.2. Philippians 2:14-15 > Be Pure. Not Complaining and Arguing. No Blame Game.

d.3. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

(e) Desires his | her Team to be successful by strategizing hands-on training programs that develops their Critical Thinking Process including in the Organizing their immediate subordinates, Orchestrating and Overseeing to see to it, to ensure quality high yields (deliverables) as scheduled. Moreover, equipping them to built leadership in their immediate reports. Very similar to Succession Planning and Development Management.

(f) Does not talk about others. Talks to them.

(g) Happiness has nothing to do with Circumstances. It is our Relationship with God. No choosing and picking. Accepts the facts, embrace and move on. What you have in you, is What you will give unconsciously.

* SEES the Big Picture | Macro Perspectives for a Balance or Smooth Flow

Like a Basketball Bench Coach who sees the entire court activities in real time, and

1. Oversees, Monitors, Evaluates How his | her Team plays?

(a) Are they keeping up with their Key Results? Who needs help? What and How to? When? Where? What are needed that are within the budget?

(b) How the Competing Team responding and the effects to his | her Team?

(c) or, How the Team is responding to the Competing Team's Strategies particularly in their play?

2. What Strategies to do? Who will do what? When? Where? How? Who will give the signal in the field and ensure deliverables (usually the Captain Ball or the Supervisor)?

* FOCUSES on the Objectives | Bottom Lines

(a) Does not allow anything such as Circumstances to control him | her. Be in full control of oneself, and goes to the bottom lines.

(b) Bring the Team back to the Objectives when one or some started to give their opinions and feelings

LOOKS at the Facts.

(a) SPOT Checks, Gathers facts such as Parameters and Performance Metrics preferably real time. Be accurate. Then improve and control. Organize, Orchestrate and Oversee.

(b) Bring the Team back to the Facts when one or some started to give their opinions, feelings or hear say


Systematic Process of Structuring, Integrating, Coordinating Task Goals and Activities to Resources namely Men, Material, Money, Machine, Method in order to attain objectives such as Increase Sales and Collections, Cost Efficient Operations, Profit and Growth


(a) To Organize Immediate Reports: Executives from Sales, Operations, Marketing, Factory Plant Sr. Officer, Purchasing, Finance, Accounting, Admin and HRD.

And may cover R&D for products improvements and new ones for launching

2. Sample 2: SCM


(a) To Organize Immediate Reports: Heads from Logistics, Warehouse and Inventories In-Charge for Finish Goods, Production, Warehouse and Inventories In-Charge for Raw Materials and Supplies. May include QA, QC and R&D. Furthermore, Chief Security Officer, Repairs and Maintenance, Sanitation or Engineering Head.


Arrange, direct and coordinate the involved Cross Functional Levels and or Command Accountability Chain of their respective KPI Metrics to produce a Corporate desired effect for a Smooth Flow of the Business Management and Operations

Similar to an Orchestra Conductor who aligns everyone to blend harmoniously for SMOOTH FLOW of the business, and avoid

(a) loss of opportunity to sell

(b) over due accounts collection or to minimize and control

(c) producing slow and non-moving products

(d) idle or down time in the Operations,

(e) short of Raw Materials and Supplies to efficiently produce products

AN OVERSEER to Ensure and Sees to it by coaching ...

Watch over and direct the concerned Organization (command chain and cross functional Management, even to Micro Units) to ensure above satisfactory outcome


A Company Is Like A Human Body With Complete Parts.

These parts are well aligned by the mind (head part) and coordinated to do things accordingly, and respectively.

Very well organized.

In any company, the General Manager's roll is the head part, while all divisions, departments, line leaders, section heads to micro or individual units that need to work that way as well.

Through Balance Command Accountability Chain and Cross – Functional Organizational Structure, and the Processes Standards (Crucial Functions of each one with cut-off time, check and balance to validate) that are developed and properly complied by the concerned at the right cut-off time that will produce an effective, efficient & a productive business.

Moreover, the General Manager and each Division / Department / Line Leaders / Section Heads will have to function like that of a Basketball Bench Coach who sees the entire activities inside the "full – court" such as how its Team and the Opposite Team play, how each team responds to the other's tactics or strategies, and so on so that he / she to develop Strategic Action Plans for Organizing the team, then Orchestrating and Overseeing Cycle.

However, a Positive Business Organization only focuses in meeting its customers' demands on time and in increasing its markets shares while in control of the fixed and variable costs for marginal profits as the bottom-line.

Also, to look at the Big Picture (referred above as "full-court"), recommends that to use BALANCE SCORECARD System as the Main Framework for Corporate Performance Measurements and Strategic Planning Management (4 Perspectives) and Tools like Periodical SMART-KPI Metrics (Organizational Performance).

CORPLAN Executive and TQM will have to work hand – in – hand as reference to Periodical BSC SMART KPI Metrics for growth development. CORPLAN Executive will have to see to it that the efforts of the Organization in the implementation of a TQM approach is always a priority.

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