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Artisan Commissary, Manufacturing (Snack Foods, Noodles, Plastics, Flexible Packaging, Off-Set Printing Press, and the like), Restaurants, Convenience Stores, Pharmaceutical Outlets, Laundry Shops, Trading Companies, Digital Diagnostic and Laboratory Centers, Others related


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Modules' essential and crucial features such as Cost Efficiency, Efficacious Organizational Processes including Lay-Outs, KPI-SMART, Process Roll-Out Plans and Training Programs, CORPLAN, TQM, Management Control, 5S, GMP, HACPP, ISO and Franchise Pre-Certification

1. What is the COMPANY’s MAIN Business Concept? Its Unique Selling Propositions (USPs).

2. What are the KEY PURPOSES to the Markets? Employees? Suppliers? Stock Holders? Community? Etc.?

Ascertain the MISSION'S (Purposes) Critical Success Factors (CSFs) or Key Results Area (KRAs) for each one.

NOTE: Tally with its USPs 

Followed by the Key Performance Indicators - SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound) Parameters and Performance Metrics for each KRA. 

Who will be responsible for it, Where, When, How, and so on?

Who will validate, ensure? How will it be evaluated? When? Where? 


May also do for the Company's VISION.

2.a. About the MARKETS - 

  • Identify the Categories (Industries) or Classifications (Spending Power Range)

  • How will it be delivered? When? Where? ...

  • Will also cover How will each be produced? How long? The Quality Consistency? ...

  • How to collect? When? Where? 

  • Etc.


  • Compensation Package

  • On Time Payroll

  • Incentives Programs

  • Training Programs 

  • Others

2.c. SUPPLIERS (at least 3 per item)

  • On Time Payment

  • Others




3. What ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Set-Up is best base on the above information?

Basic and yet Balanced Command Accountability Chain and Cross Functional in order to have a Smooth Flow Business Operations and Growth Developments.

3.1. What are each ones Key Results Areas, Key Functions and Key Performance Indicators - SMART parameters and Performance Metrics? Including Qualifications.

4. How will each of the Purposes indicated above in #2 be served as committed?


4.a.   INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES (Entire Company or Part of it. Depending on the Clients' Requirement)



4.a.1.i.   Economical Structural Lay-Outs for efficiency (also covers Proper Posture Per Assembler as basis for Time and Motion).

Also set-up in Pre-Certification on GMP, HACCP, ISO.

4.a.1.i.1.      Floor U-Formation lay-out (no criss cross)

4.a.1.i.2.     Working Table Process Lay-Out per Operator including height

4.a.1.i.3.     FIFO Rotation and Replenishments, Racking, Shelving

4.a.1.i.4.     Piling Standards per SKU or Assorted

4.a.1.i.5.     Batch Bulk Handling per equipment for Transfer 

4.a.1.i.6.     Production Lines Flow

4.a.1.i.7.     DROP SYSTEM QUEUE at Warehouse for each Logistics' Van Loading 

4.a.1.i.8.    Applicable to Head Office and Retail Outlets base on Process Flow

4.a.1.i.9.     Others

4.a.1.ii.  Economical Mileage Usage of Inventories for Consistent Quality and Quantity Yields - Equipments and Others

4.a.1.ii.1     Pre-Operations Parameters and Metrics

4.a.1.ii.2    Number of Batches per Shift | Total Batches and Shifts per Lot

4.a.1.ii.3    Post Operations Parameters and Metrics

4.a.1.iii. Utilities


4.a.2.  DOCUMENTATION OF OPERATIONS - Accountability, Transparency, Accuracy - Check and Balance, Real Time Reports


Covering ALL Divisions, Departments, Sections | Assembly Lines, Micro Units and Cross Functions

DIVISIONS: SCM, Administration, Factory Plant, Operations

DEPARTMENTS: Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance, Logistics, Warehouse Finish Goods, Warehouse Raw Materials & Supplies, Purchasing, Production, Accounting, R&D, QA, QC, Engineering, Operations Audit, Compliance Audit, Business Development, Security, IT, etc.

SECTIONS: Credit and Collections, Treasury, Cashier, Accounting (Revenues, Expenses, Consolidation, Bank Reconciliation, others), etc.


  • How to account everything (with check and balance for accuracy) in a minimal time frame, and almost real time (due to daily cut-off transmittal) To Finance and Accounting, also for Operations and Compliance Audits. WHAT to ACCOUNT? How to Account? And so on.  How to ENSURE that Protocols will be Properly Implemented and Consistently?  What IT Systems in order to have a real time and accurate reports? How to have a check and balance? Transparency at any time?

  • Sales Procedures with Cross Functional Departments | Sections (Warehouse Finish Goods, Finance's Credit and Collection, Logistics, etc.)

  • Store's and Factory Plant Procedures for an Efficient and Efficacious Operations (Man Power Schedules, Inventory, Production, etc.)

  • Store's Procedures with Cross Functional Departments | Sections (Sales and Collections Remittances | Deposits, Inventory and Purchase Orders, Payroll, etc.)

  • Finance's Sales Procedures for Credit and Collection, How will it be collected? What are the needed supporting materials for collection? Who will do for accountability? Where? When? Why? What are the PROTOCOLS if TERMS / CREDIT LINE? How to prevent overdue accounts? What are the PROTOCOLS before Delivering?, Are the collections deposited? Deposits and Liquidation, Disbursement and Liquidation, Cash Flow Management and Bank Reconciliation, How to have an accurate Bank Reconciliation? Cost, Cash Flow, Budget analysis and Cash Flow Control Management. How the COMPANY controls its Expenses? Other Cross Function Transactions

  • Inventory Management Processes for Finish Goods, Production WIP, Raw Materials and Supplies. Covers rejects, wastage and others for salvage value

  • How will the COMPANY Profit from each Transaction? Per Shift? Per Day? Per Month? How will the COMPANY be managed to have a smooth flow of the business operation and growth? What Financial Procedures and Polices shall the COMPANY have that will achieve Profits to ROI (Return On Investment)? 

  • Supply Chain Management – covers both the Internal and External Customers / Suppliers. How to prevent Loss of Opportunity to Sell and Over Stocking that turns into Spoilage, Rejects, Cost of Money? Other critical issues to retain customers and increase Sales from existing and potential markets.

  • Operations (Stores Chain) Procedures for an Efficient and Efficacious Stores' Operation (profitability and growth)

  • Payroll, Petty Cash Replenishments, etc.

  • Many Other Processes

4.a.2.i.      Process Flow Charts,

4.a.2.ii.     Forms (including # of copies, essential contents, signatories subject to check and balance or tallying, with cut-off time),

4.a.2.iii.    Attachments of Raw Documents, Tally Sheets, Planning Reports, Man Power Schedules and Notification Circulation, etc.

4.a.2.iv.    Transmittal Logbooks, Check Lists, Tally Sheets, others (format, procedures and policies)

4.a.2.v.     Posting of Guidelines (diagrams, illustrations, protocols, policies, others) in appropriate working section or specific area    On Time and Accurate Reporting

4.a.2.vii.   Communication, Coordination, and Cooperation

4.a.2.viii.  Organizing, Orchestrating, Overseeing Cycle for Management

4.a.2.ix.    Others 

4.a.3.  IT Infrastructure and Programs for MIS (Real Time and Accurate eReporting with Cut-Off Time)



4.b.     ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY (HRD - Human Resources Department)

4.b.1.      Training Programs for Trainers and Trainees, Rank and File, Staffs, Various Management Levels

4.b.2.     Hiring Qualifications and Systems

4.b.3.     Pooling Systems

4.b.4.     Standard Compensation Systems

4.b.5.     Succession Planning Program 

4.b.6.     Others


4.c.1.      Company Rules and Regulations,

4.c.2.     CPAR (Corrective and Preventive Action Report) Systems

4.c.3.     Incidents Accountability Systems 

4.c.4.     Promotion Systems

4.c.5.     Disciplinary Procedures 

4.c.6.     Termination Procedures

4.c.7.     Retirement

4.c.8.     Other Policies and Protocols

4.d.     MANAGEMENT (not arranged in importance)

4.c.1.     Balance Scorecard Management: President, General Manager, Division, Department, Section Officers

4.c.2.    Corporate Planning, Finance and Accounting Management

4.c.3.    Supply Chain Management

4.c.4.    Operations or Stores Chain Management

4.c.5.    Factory Plant Management

4.c.6.    Administration and HRD Management

4.c.7.    Purchasing Management

4.c.8.    Sales Management

4.c.9.    Marketing Management

4.c.10.   Business Development Management

4.c.11.    R&D Officer

4.c.12.   Quality Assurance Officer 

4.c.13.   QC Officer

4.c.14.   Production Executive

4.c.15.   Store Officer

4.c.16.   Warehouse Raw Materials and Supplies Officer

4.c.17.   Warehouse Finish Goods Officer

4.c.18.   Logistics Officer

4.c.19.   Engineering, Safety, Sanitation and Hygiene, Waste, Repairs and Maintenance Management

4.c.20.  Security Management

4.c.21.   Compliance Management and Audit

4.c.22.  Operations Audit

4.c.23.  Critical / Risk Management

4.c.24.  Total Quality Management

4.c.25.  Periodical Business Planning Management

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